Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Can Do!

The Can Do Attitude- Do you have it!

It seems to me that one of the strengths of America has always been the can do attitude of nearly every American. Our forefathers had it! Have we lost it? Do you have it? Does our government have it?

I know if it were not for my Fathers can do attitude he would have never survived moving from Montana to Seattle, when he was young and orphaned, to enter into the world of trees and logs. He always found a way to survive, making his way from the forest trenches and outrageously big saws to a manager of a very successful timber business. He knew that hard work, determination, creativity, and a positive can do attitude would get him to his goals. I was always impressed when we sat down at my drafting table to discuss the next addition to the mill. He would describe what he thought would work and I would draw it. Often the mechanics in the mill would say it could never be done, or it won’t work. But always my father would figure out a way to get it done and make it successful. I’m sure my five siblings would agree that this attitude has been passed on and we all look for ways to get it done, no matter what the task may be. 

I just started reading a book called “That Used To Be Us” by Thomas L. Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum. I came across this book via the Book Channel, often on in our house as my wife likes to listen to the authors talking about their books. As I listened I downloaded (Google Play, “play books” app) the book to my tablet, and I began to read. I’m not too far along, but already I say, yes they have identified the issues….one of the very first quotes is from the CEO of GE, Jeffery Immelt, “What we lack in the US Today is the confidence that is generated by solving on big, hard problem-together”. It seems we have so many opinions and directions that it is difficult for us to unite and support a common goal, or to focus on a problem and solve it. There is such a large gap in the two party system that we can’t seem to get past the arguments and get to the answers. Finger pointing does not work, but it seems that this is the most popular thing to do. I have voted in nearly every election for the past forty years and I have listened to presidential candidate after presidential candidate tell us what they will do to make our lives better and America stronger. I agree with the Authors, as time slips away, Americas resources are disappearing. We need to understand that we have urgent issues… education, deficits and debt, energy and climate change and I would add what I would consider the most important issue, the disintegration of the family structure. These are not issues that the government can really make happen under the current structure of doing nothing, of pointing fingers and being protective of the next reelection campaign or better yet voting to not support any initiative that the other party brings to the floor.   As the Authors say  “Our goal should not be merely to solve America’s debt and deficit problems….the goal is for America to remain a great country….Immigration, education, and sensible regulation are traditional ingredients of the American formula for greatness”. America has a hard time getting things done! We don’t need to emulate anyone, we have superior thinkers, creative minds, and inventive abilities that are far greater than any other country in the world. The challenge is to get everyone to keep their focus on getting America to the next level of greatness, can we do it? As individuals we can only move the government so far, and we do this by voting and electing those representatives that can make a difference, are collaborative and can make this country great! The government needs to unite, get behind a drive for greatness, grab on to the can do attitude of our forefathers and get it done! The government needs to MOVE ON, get past this phase of disgusting finger pointing and work for us, the can doers of America!

Some of us learn the can do attitude from our parents, and some of us are born with amazing can do attitudes. I came across this marvelous story of a young enterprising kid in Los Angeles, California…he definitely has the can do spirit! We all need to follow his lead, be creative, spark the nation, and help support the whole not just a few….(just click on this link you will be taken to a web site) Caine's Arcade


  1. Let me know if you are having difficulties posting comments!

  2. I found the video "Caine's Arcade" too! The kid is amazing.
    Steve Winkle


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