"Welcome every morning with a smile.
Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator,
Another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday.
Be a self starter.
Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day.
Today will never happen again.
Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all.
You were not born to fail." Author Og Mandino http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Og_Mandino
Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator,
Another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday.
Be a self starter.
Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day.
Today will never happen again.
Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all.
You were not born to fail." Author Og Mandino http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Og_Mandino
I have always looked at life as one adventure after another.
My wife and I, for nearly 39 years, have had many adventures together. Adventures
come in so many forms. Some I would just as soon not like to repeat, but I would
have to say that everyone, even the bad ones, have had an influence on the
direction of our lives. As Helen Keller put it “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” Our adventures
started a long time before we were married. In fact, we believe we may have
been in the same confirmation class and even had Catechism classes together
when we were in middle school. As I tell my wife now, if I had been slightly
interested in girls at that time, I surely would have asked he out on a date.
But I had other adventures to conquer in those days, like neighborhood
baseball, hide and go seek, kick the can and skate boarding into walls. I could
go on and on with stories about our life adventures and as I develop this Blog I will share a few, but the topic of this
“moving on” blog this time has to do with the adventures that many of my
friends are now experiencing.
Some of you are right now experiencing reduced hours,
reduced pay, tough working environments and even layoffs. Believe me; I understand the impact that
these things have on your life. However, I have to tell you over the last two
months I have discovered that life moves on, and there are adventures away from
what you have been doing. I have had some great adventures with my family and
friends since May 15. I have spent more time enjoying what I think life should
be all about. The pace of Life has slowed down. There is the money issue. But I
have a different kind of motivation this time around. I have started some work, and some great
opportunities are in development, but as my oldest daughter has advised, it’s
best to take on projects that I will enjoy, that pay the bills and not to get
carried away. I really enjoy just being available, not tied down to someone
else’s schedule and most definitely not on an airplane every week to someplace.
I have also been doing some reading. Maybe some of this will help inspire you
to not give up, believe in yourself and don’t let the current situation get you
Og Madino wrote this book back in 1968, “The Greatest Salesman in the World”. I remember my Dad saying
something about this book. But, again I had other adventures to keep me busy in
those days and besides we had school books to read. In Madino’s book he composed “The Legends of
the Ten Scrolls”. Not that I have read all of these scrolls. The Author suggested
that you read them over a 10 month timeline. But, I do believe that his overall
philosophy of “do it now” is very relevant to today’s issues of moving on with
your life in a favorable way after a devastating adventure. Here are his Ten
Scroll titles:
- Scroll I - The Power of Good Habits
- Scroll II - Greet Each Day With Love In Your Heart
- Scroll III - Persist Until You Succeed
- Scroll IV - You Are Natures Greatest Miracle
- Scroll V - Live Each Day as if it Were Your Last
- Scroll VI - Master Your Emotions
- Scroll VII - The Power of Laughter
- Scroll VIII - Multiply Your Value Every Day
- Scroll IX - All is Worthless Without Action
- Scroll X - Pray to God for Guidance
I was introduced to a second book called “The Dip” by Seth Godin, by an email
from gapingvoid.com . I get an email every day from them and it has the
greatest “life” cartoons. The book is about “being the best in the world”. It is
a short read but very inspiring.
I read this quote today “If you expect the world to be fair
with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting
the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.” Make sure you have friends
that can support you and family that can be with you and most of all believe in
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